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Middletown High School

Home of the Mustangs

Dress Code

Dress Code

Middletown High School Dress Code

Middletown High School’s student dress code supports equitable educational access and is written in a manner that does not reinforce stereotypes. The primary responsibility for a student’s attire resides with the student and their parents/guardians. The school district is responsible for seeing that student attire does not interfere with the health or safety of any student, that student attire does not contribute to a hostile or intimidating atmosphere for any student and that dress code enforcement does not reinforce or increase marginalization or oppression of any group based on race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, household income, or body type/size.


  • All students should be able to dress comfortably for school without fear of, or actual, unnecessary discipline or body shaming.  

  • All students and staff should understand that they are responsible for managing their own personal “distractions” without regulating individual students’ clothing/self-expression.

  • Students shall be allowed to appear and dress in a manner consistent with their gender identity or gender expression or with their religious or cultural observance.

  • Teachers can focus on teaching without the additional and often uncomfortable burden of dress code enforcement.

  • Students should not face unnecessary barriers to school attendance.

  • Reasons for conflict and inconsistent discipline should be minimized whenever possible.


 Our dress code is designed to accomplish several goals.

  • Maintain a safe learning environment in classes where protective or supportive clothing is needed, such as chemistry/biology (eye or body protection), dance (bare feet, tights/leotards), or PE (athletic attire/shoes).

  • Allow students to wear clothing of their choice that is comfortable.

  • Allow students to wear clothing that expresses their self-identified gender.

  • Allow students to wear religious attire without fear of discipline or discrimination.

  • Prevent students from wearing clothing with offensive images or language, including profanity, hate speech, and pornography.

  • Prevent students from wearing clothing with images or language depicting or advocating violence or use of alcohol or drugs.

  • Ensure that all students are treated equitably regardless of gender/gender identification, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, body type/size, religion, and personal style.

  • Ensure that all students are treated equally within the school environment in regards to dress


The following norms govern Mustang student dress and personal appearance:


  • Must be free of offensive language, pictures, or symbols

  • May not be drug or alcohol related

  • May not contain inappropriate patches, drawings, or writings

  • May not be gang related, as determined by the MHS administration

Students must wear:

  • Bottoms

  • Tops

  • Shoes

  • Clothing that conceals genitals, buttocks and areola/nipples 

Students may wear:

  • Hats, including religious headwear, and Hoodie sweatshirts

NOTE: Hats, sunglasses, cap, hoodies, or non-religious head coverings may be limited in certain buildings or classrooms as determined by the teacher or administration

  • Fitted pants, including leggings, yoga pants, and “skinny jeans”

  • Sweatpants, shorts, skirts, dresses, pants

  • Midriff-baring shirts

  • Pajama wear

  • Ripped jeans, as long as underwear is not exposed

  • Tank tops, including spaghetti straps, halter tops and tops with at least one strap 

Students cannot wear:

  • Violent language or images

  • Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity) or the use of same

  • Hate speech, profanity, pornography

  • Images and/or language that create a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class

  • Visible underwear or bathing suits of similar design – straps on undergarments worn under other clothing are not a violation

  • Tube tops, strapless tops, or strapless dresses

The MHS administration or administrative designee reserves the right to prohibit any clothing, jewelry, or accessory that is deemed dangerous, offensive,  or distracting.

Courses that include attire as part of the curriculum (for example, professionalism, public speaking, and job readiness) may include assignment-specific dress, but should not focus on covering bodies in a particular way or promoting culturally specific attire. Activity specific shoe requirements are permitted (for example, athletic shoes for PE).

Parents and guardians who send their student to Middletown High School accept the judgment of the Administration as final in matters of school policy and procedures, including dress code.