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Middletown High School

Home of the Mustangs

AP / Honors Summer Work

Several AP / Honors classes reuire students to complete work over the summer as a prerequisite to te course.  It is the responsibility of the student to ensure they complete said Summer Work before they start school in August.  Each class is different, but expect most AP / Honors classes to require the Summer Work.

Below, you can find a list of offeres AP / Honors classes, the corresponding teacher, their email and the Google Classroom code.  If you enrolled in any of these courses, the student must be responsible in contacting their teacher for their work (most students received the work in the last weeks of the year prior):



Honors English 9 (Class Offering TBD, no summer work regardless)

Instructor: Libby Stetson <>


Honors English 10    Class Code: Z4YUXKO

Instructor: Dawnmarie Schneider   <>


Honors English 11     Class Code: LIE5KBW

Instructor: Dylan McCall     <>


AP Literature (12th Grade)     Class Code: LFOPW54

Instructor:  Dawnmarie Schneider     <>


Honors World History (10th Grade)     Class Code: N/A

Instructor:  Joseph Austin     <>


AP/Honors US History  (11th Grade, Dual Enrollment)     Class Code: L3RHF7R

Instructor:  Taylor Tiraterra     <>


AP PreCalculus 9  (11th Grade, alternative to IM3)     Class Code: Z6GZLPR

Instructor:  David Wellman     <>


AP Calculus  (12th Grade)     Class Code: U2UB24C

Instructor: David Wellman     <>


AP Environmental Science (11th or 12th Grade)     Class Code: MHQW6ED

Instructor: Katelynn Ramos     <>