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Middletown High School

Home of the Mustangs

Programs Coordinator Information

Compliance Issues or Questions:


Title II Coordinator

Jeff Crane, Superintendent

20932 Big Canyon Road, Middletown CA 95461

(707) 987-4100


Title 5 Coordinator

Dave Miller, Interim Superintendent

20932 Big Canyon Road, Middletown CA 95461

(707) 987-4100


504 Coordinator for MHS

Shari Harmon, Counselor

20932 Big Canyon Road, Middletown CA 95461

(707) 987-4140


504 Coordinator for MMS

Karin Stirling-Rooney, Counselor

20932 Big Canyon Road, Middletown CA 95461

(707) 987-4160


Title IX Coordinator

Carlos McKinney, Vice Principal

20932 Big Canyon Road, Middletown CA 95461

(707) 987-4140