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Middletown High School

Home of the Mustangs

The MHS Weekly 3/2/2025

Posted Date: 3/03/25 (3:30 AM)

Horseshoe Clip Art
The MHS Weekly
March 2, 2025
Important Dates
Mar. 4th - Mardi Gras, Masks, Murder! Mystery Dinner hosted by Mock Trial
Mar. 6th - Ballet Folklorico performs at MMS
Mar. 7th - Middletown Field Event Jamboree
Mar. 10th - FFA presents Donkey Basketball
Mar. 12th - MUSD Board Meeting
Mar. 14th - 16th - Mock Trial State Competition
MT Hoodie Sales flyer
Hoodie sales flyer in spanish
Principally Speaking...
Greetings students, parents, and friends of Middletown High School.

Congratulations to Phoebe Jessen who won the county “Poetry Out Loud” competition. Phoebe
will be competing at the state “Poetry Out Loud” competition in March representing MHS.

Congratulations to the Middletown High School Mock Trial Team for wining multiple consecutive
county competitions. The MHS Mock Trial Team will be competing at the state completion in
March in Los Angeles.

Congratulations to our MHS Girls Varsity Basketball Team who had a fantastic year and
performed well in the playoffs.

Congratulations to our MHS Boys Varsity Basketball Team who finished first in our league this year. The Boys Varsity Basketball Team has won three of four playoff games. With these playoff wins, this year’s MHS Varsity Boys Basketball team has eclipsed the record of most wins in a season in school history. We are hopeful for an invitation to the next round of playoffs. Best
Wishes to our Boys Varsity Basketball Team.

Our students, teachers, coaches, and staff are accomplishing great things in the classroom and
on the playing field. What a wonderful time to be a Mustang!

Thank you for your support. Have a fantastic week!

Carlos L. McKinney Sr.
Middletown High School
Updated MHS Tutoring Schedule
Updated MHS Tutoring Schedule
Purple grad cap and diploma clip art
Senior Cap & Gown Orders
To order Cap & Gowns, Graduation Announcements
and "Senior Class" Apparel & Accessories,
Deadline is March 28th
Donkey Basketball Flyer
Donkey Basketball Flyer SP
Counselor's Corner
On Wed., February 26th, I had the pleasure of accompanying 16 of our sophomores to UCDavis and Woodland Community College. It was a great trip, filled with information for our students.

Course requests are now closed and we will be working towards a master schedule and scheduling students. I believe I have spoken to anyone that had not filled out a course request but if I missed you somehow, please let me know! Thank you all so much and I look forward to planning another year.

Senior To Do List:

If you have courses in Edgenuity, GET THEM DONE! I check everyday, even weekends to see if assignments need to be unlocked and I am not seeing any. Please work on these in all your spare time. Time is running out!

If you are planning on attending a community college and need help with the application, please come see me and I am happy to help.

Login and create your FAFSA or CADAA account and create invites for parents. FAFSA and CADAA are open! This is the perfect time to get this done!

Finish up and research scholarship applications. There are links below for more scholarship opportunities.

Not going to college? No problem, work on your classes and get everything caught up so you graduate. Credit Recovery students GET GOING!

Come see me if you have questions or need help! Please do not hesitate! I am here to help all of you!

Financial Aid Information:

Anticipated date the FAFSA and CADAA ARE open. They are going through an initial process right now, trying to get rid of any bugs or problems that were encountered last year. If you are not going to fill out a FAFSA, I need you to sign an Opt Out Form by April 1st.
Students can create their account and invite contributors (parent/parents/guardians) to also create an account. This way when it opens, you will be ready to go. Students need their own personal email account, honestly, this should be set up in their Freshman year because we also use it for dual-enrollment sign-ups. Students should not use their MUSD email! 
Parents who file separate tax returns need separate accounts.

Student name needs to be an exact match to Social Security Card, also student school records need to be an exact match for Cal Grant.

Contributors without a Social Security number should apply very early, during that time there has historically not been a manual verification process.

The FAFSA and CADAA form actually help determine the different types of financial aid ply and pay the fee for the Common APP, only to find out that the University they were applying to did not charge an application fee. Do your research!

Gift Aid - grants and scholarships
Self-help Aid - Loans and student employment
Federal Work Study Programs - these are better than a job because academics always come first with these position.
Scholarship Opportunities:

Students should be a part of the following organizations, who help search for scholarships: - -

Middletown Sports Boosters Club Winter Newsletter flyer
Middletown Sports Boosters Club
MSBC Golf tourney Fundraiser & Gala Flyer
MSBC Golf Tournament Fundraiser & Gala
Tickets may be purchased and donations may be made online at
MHS Athletics
Congratulations to Cat Barriga and Krystal Ocken for making it to the State Wrestling Competition. Cat went 1-2 and Krystal went 2-2. Krystal placed 16th in the state. 

Congratulations to the Varsity Boys Basketball team who have been invite to compete in Round 1 of the Regional Championships. More information to come.

Spring Sports are under way! 

Tennis at Home

Golf at Windsor 2:30 tee time

Tennis at Mendocino 

Varsity baseball at John Swett 
Home track meet, field events only! 3:30 start time

Good luck to all athletes!

Roxi Holt
Athletic Director
Middletown High School
707 987-4140